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Money Metals' Weekly Market Wrap Podcast

Jul 29, 2016

This week we hear from Michael Rivero of He gives us his opinions on the concluded political conventions, why he sees this as a crucial election for the future of our Republic, & why he views precious metals as a must-own asset.


Jul 22, 2016

Chris Martenson gives us insights on the real reasons behind the recent & surprising stock market rally, what to expect in the precious metals markets in the weeks & months ahead & the steps you can take to prepare.


Jul 15, 2016

This week David Smith, senior analyst at The Morgan Report and regular contributor to, tells us whether or not the current rally in gold & silver has legs, & also shares some insights on how to avoid making amateur mistakes when investing.


Jul 8, 2016

This week we hear part two of the recent interview Money Metals president Stefan Gleason did with Pete Fetig during the 360 Gold Summit. Stefan gives some important warnings to precious metals investors, discusses why he favors one of the precious metals over the others and also talks about some absolutely critical...

Jul 1, 2016

This week's interview is with Money Metals president Stefan Gleason, who was a featured guest during the recent 360 Gold Summit. He addressed the question of “why precious metals” & also gave some helpful tips on how to avoid investing mistakes.