Nov 27, 2015
This week we share with you an enlightening and spirited interview our friend David Morgan did with Sean Kerrigan of the SGT Report recently. David and Sean answer the question on seemingly every precious metals investors’ mind, which is how much longer can the manipulation in the metal markets go on?
Nov 20, 2015
This week we’ll hear a fantastic interview with Bill Holter of and the Holter/Sinclair Collaboration. Bill tells us about the implications of dwindling precious metals production in the face of what he believes will be massive worldwide demand. Also, how you’ll know when it’s “game over” for the...
Nov 13, 2015
Precious metals prices are slumping this week, but that isn’t taking away from the rising prominence of sound money issues. Monetary reform has ascended into the national political discussion as a centerpiece issue for some of the leading candidates for president.
Nov 6, 2015
Coming up we'll hear from top resource analyst and fund manager Frank Holmes of U.S. Global Investors. Frank discusses what it's going to take to get the metals moving again, and why gold and silver continue to have a tough time.