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Money Metals' Weekly Market Wrap Podcast

Apr 26, 2019

A few weeks ago we heard the first half of an interview Money Metals president Stefan Gleason did during a recent 360 Gold Summit. Today we’ll hear part two of that interview. Stefan gives some important warnings to precious metals investors, discusses why he favors one of the precious metals over the others and also...

Apr 19, 2019

Marc Faber joins us for a tremendous conversation on debt, the global economy and the future of the dollar. Marc tells us how much he believes the average investor should have in gold and silver right now and reveals which precious metal he favors most going forward.


Apr 12, 2019

Frank Holmes of U.S. Global Investors joins me to update us on some of the best value propositions he sees in the markets.


Apr 5, 2019

This week's interview is with Money Metals president Stefan Gleason, who was a featured guest during the recent 360 Gold Summit. Stefan addressed the fundamental question of “why precious metals” and also gave some helpful tips on how to avoid making big mistakes when investing in gold and silver.