Mar 25, 2016
Coming up we’ll hear one of the most explosive interviews we’ve done to date. Marc Faber of The Gloom, Boom, & Doom Report tells us why a cashless society will not work and why the mainstream hates gold.
Mar 18, 2016
Michael Rivero tells us this week what to expect during the rest of the primary season, whether or not Donald Trump can be stopped, and how likely we are to see inflation come roaring back.
Mar 11, 2016
This week we hear from David Morgan of the The Morgan Report to get his take on the advance in the metals so far this year, how long it’s likely to continue, and whether or not the Silver Guru is concerned that silver is lagging gold during this rally.
Mar 4, 2016
This week we’ll hear an encore presentation of my conversation with Steve Forbes. Mr. Forbes recently gave an explosive interview about the presidential election and why he believes the time is now for America to return to the gold standard.